Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Experiment

At the Institute, our best scientists performed an experiment on the minds of 7 children, training them to interact with one another in their dreams. Slowly acclimated to that weightless space, conforming the Imaginary to whatever was in their imaginations, the children were slowly being prepared.

Deep within the bowels of the Institute lay a secret, and one day the seven would be the only ones on our planet who would lay claim to understanding it.


oh oh said...

welcome to the wonderful cathartic, addictive and at the same time, wasteful world of blogging... umm, my arch-enemy-friend (if that makes any sense)... welcome. i know b/c i have been here since 2002.

so, can i add you to my blogroll?

oh oh said...

i don't know what a blogroll is, but i think it's some kind of blog-speak for links that are blogs, or blinks.